2022 Swimming Lessons
Swim & Dive Team | Swimming Lessons | Coaches | Schedule | Swimming / Dive Team Registration & Contact | Swimming Records
PLEASE NOTE: The link will open a new browser window and take you to a page outside the OSC website. The site is managed by TeamUnify.
Group swim lessons run from 11:30am - 12pm. A Google sign up sheet will be sent out to members via email once the pool opens in late May. Swimmers are grouped by ability on the first day. To participate, future swimmers must be potty trained to enter the big pool for lessons. Lessons are for OSC members only.
Session 1 - June 17 - June 27 (Friday, June 28 - rain date)
Session 2 - July 8 - July 18 (Friday, July 19 - rain date)
Private lessons - please speak to one of the pool managers about arranging lessons with one of our experienced guards. Rates per lesson (half hour) will vary per instructor.